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Täydelliset tuotteet kuiville ja pörröisille luonnonkiharille hiuksilleni.
Care and Style kit hiustenhoitosetti
Hanna L.
Nopea toimitus
Tuotteet tulivat nopeasti, ja alennettu hinta oli hyvä
Sara Latiffa
Paras shampoo. Saisi tulla isommassakin koossa!
Active Care Ravitseva Shampoo 250ml
The best product ever used!
I am using Sumilayi for about 4 years now, my hair is healthy, curly, shiny and all I need is just a small amount of the products. I am 70 years old so I have a lot of experience with hairproducts, been married to a hairdresser too! My daughter started using Sumilayi since I told her she had too, and you should always listen to a mother, that there is nothing better than this brand. And she agreed so we are sending curly love from The Netherlands!